Video Response to Tiger at Rest by Antoine-Louis Barye for PEER ONE IMPORTS
at the Walters Art Museum, 2012
Curated by Kari Altmann
"SAFARINON is a new project by artist Bradley Benedetti which recycles and scrambles the urgent material from ecological advertisements and topical blogs with personal text messaging, outsourced tech support with Earth, and user account authenticity. The result is a "Multi-species Friend Merger" in which endangered species must exist, socially, in a mutated ecological network of coded language and online propaganda, while working together to save themselves. Welcome to the new habitat. Savey Planet."
for more info on the project visit the mini site
CHARISMATIC MEGAFAUNA from Bradley Benedetti on Vimeo.
Video by Bradley Benedetti
Sound by Dvvid Presper Watson
*Elephant, Tiger, and Rhino footage from greenscreen animals